Looking to elevate your customer care? We can help.

Our experts will show you how to turn customer interactions into powerful growth.

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Our teams seamlessly integrate with the systems that already power your business, and optimize them for your customers.


Customer retention is the new customer acquisition. We partner with you to build custom-fit solutions to enhance your customers' experience.

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Compass builds tailored, growth-focused solutions that drive customer loyalty for our partner brands. Our service offerings allow your customers to get the experience they deserve with every interaction.

24/7 CX Support

Loyalty Optimization

Systems Optimization

Social Media

Revenue Growth

Recruiting is a fiercely competitive business—and the results can often be hit or miss. We deliver sustainable growth by solving your recruitment challenges. We use the latest technology and best-in-class service models to ensure the process is productive, positive and prompt for everyone involved.




Offer and Onboarding

Recruitment Process OUTSOURCING

Compass RPO is a fully integrated, end-to-end solution optimizing and streamlining your recruitment operations.

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Helping our clients find success

With our deep experience in customer care, we’ll find a solution tailored to your business, your goals and, most importantly, your customers.

A man standing with a laptop in hand.  He appears to be delivering a presentation to a group.
Compass developed a revenue-focused growth strategy by increasing the number of contact methods available to customers. By adding live channels (chat and phone service), Compass' customer service team was able to convert potential customers to loyal subscribers at an unprecedented pace.
Customer Satisfaction Rate (CSAT)
Average Order Volume (AOV) increase within 6-months
Conversion rate for chat tickets.